I won’t pretend it hasn’t been a nervous week before our first classes. After all, this project is brand new in Belgium (and indeed even abroad, Latin is more often taught at primary school than Greek, so there are few distinct models).
The students created the resources for their first class, which you can already find on our page lesmaterialen, and in our preparatory workshop, we discussed the ideology of inclusivity and widening participation which underlies the entire project. But earlier this week, it was finally time for the first classes. Five students taught their first class in SMI (Aalst), another four in the Klimop (Gent). Pupils contextualized the world of the Ancient Greeks: who were they, and where and when did they live? And then pupils finally started learning the much anticipated alphabet (and actually finding out they already knew quite a bit!). They made a crown with their names on it and played alphabet bingo.

We are looking forward to the next few classes – and massive congratulations to our students for their hard work!
Written by Evelien Bracke, Project Coordinator